26 Jun 2023

How to Fight The Silent Killers

Lifestyle diseases are like highly trained assassins. They turn visible only just before they turn lethal. Whether it is diabetes, hypertension, cancer, cardiovascular diseases or other common lifestyle diseases, they have this silent character that escapes attention in the initial stages. For argument’s sake you

26 Jun 2023

To Be Healthy & Wealthy You Need the Same Steps

It is a debate that refuses to die down. 10,000 steps a day was a wild guess. It happened in 1984, and coming from a step-counter company, had obvious marketing motives behind it. But truth is often stranger than fiction, and that is what a

21 Jun 2023

Study Endorses Vieroots’ Approachin Preventing Lifestyle Diseases

Two health studies have hogged international limelight this past week and the first of these has come as a shocker for India. This largest epidemiological study ever on the prevalence of non communicable diseases (NCDs), also called lifestyle diseases, found some explosive material that is

5 Jun 2023

What is the Greatest Threat From Diabetes?

Most people would answer this question easily, as it is quite infamous that long-term diabetes greatly contributes to the formation of arterial blocks and fatal or debilitating heart attacks. Some others would answer that the greatest threat is kidney disease and kidney failure, and it

10 May 2023

Two Biohacks for Your Heart

The new week has begun with a bang in medical research, with one new scientific paper by American Heart Association (AHA) and one new Finnish study, both of them shedding light on two powerful biohacks or lifestyle modifications for better cardiac health and longevity. A